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Inopli Partner Program


Our Partner Program is designed to create mutually beneficial relationships with businesses around the globe, allowing us to provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to a wider audience.

We have four tiers in our Partner Program: Registered, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each tier offers a range of benefits and opportunities, allowing our partners to grow their businesses alongside ours.

Only applicable to the MSP Partner

II. Partner Type

Diazero Technologies, as the software vendor, is committed to a partner-centric approach for the sale of Inopli. We distribute our solution exclusively through our partner network, which is composed of Reseller Partner and Managed Service Provider (MSP) Partner.

- Reseller Partner: Partners who primarily focus on reselling Inopli licenses to their customers. They may not provide Managed Security Services (MSS) or operate a Security Operations Center (SOC), but they play a crucial role in extending Inopli's reach to various markets and customer types. Access to the Inopli portal will not be provided.

- MSP Partner: Partners incorporate Inopli as part of their Managed Security Services (MSS). They provide a comprehensive range of services to their customers, using Inopli as an essential tool for MSS operations. For MSP Partners, access to the Central Management Panel will be granted.

Upon receiving a partnership request, our team conducts a thorough evaluation to determine the potential partner's eligibility as an MSP Partner or only Reseller Partner. This assessment is vital as the MSP Partner role requires a qualified Security Operations Center (SOC) team.

While both types of partners enjoy similar benefits under the Inopli Partner Program, MSP Partners are granted additional access to the Central Management Panel. This feature allows them to manage their MSS customers effectively and monitor SLA compliance, providing them with the tools necessary to excel in delivering their services. Additionally, MSP Partners will benefit from a 5% higher discount rate compared to Reseller Partners.

A MSP Partner can also gain the benefits and capabilities of a Reseller Partner. To put it simply, a partner operating under the MSP Partner has the flexibility to switch their sales approach to the Reseller Partner. This adaptability allows them to cater to customers who opt not to use the MSS, utilizing the discount rate associated with the Reseller Partner. However, the reverse does not apply - a Reseller Partner cannot automatically become an MSP Partner.

III. Partner Tier

Our Partner Program at Inopli is tiered into four levels - Registered, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The placement within these tiers is determined by the number of customers acquired and the number of qualified professionals on a partner's team. Each tier presents a distinct set of benefits and growth prospects, enabling our partners to scale their businesses in tandem with ours.

Every partner, irrespective of their tier, is granted the right to use Inopli’s logo and marketing materials as part of their partnership benefits. Furthermore, joining our partnership program is free of charge - we believe in mutually beneficial growth, not in barriers.

A. Registered Partner

Once the partnership request is approved, the partner will be automatically classified as a Registered Partner. As a member of this tier, the partner will gain immediate access to our extensive marketing resources and the Inopli Partner Portal, where the partner can register new business opportunities.

Moreover, the partner will also be acknowledged as an official partner on the Inopli website. With no initial requirements to meet, becoming a Registered Partner is a smooth and straightforward process.

B. Silver Partner

Once a Registered Partner secures 5 customers with Inopli sales revenues exceeding US$70,000.00 and has 2 professionals each complete the Sales Engineering and Certified Security Architect programs, they will automatically be elevated to the status of a Silver Partner.

A Silver Partner will continue to enjoy all the benefits offered to Registered Partners, with an additional benefit of a 10-15% discount on the quoted price.

Silver Partner

Every year on December 31st, an automatic check is performed to verify if partners meet the requirements for their current tier.

Should a partner not fulfill any of the aforementioned requirements, they will be automatically demoted to the Registered Tier, and consequently, the additional benefits associated with the Silver Partner tier will be revoked.

C. Gold Partner

Once a partner secures 20 customers with Inopli sales revenues exceeding US$250,000.00 and having 4 professionals complete the Sales Engineering course and 2 certified professionals of the Security Architect course, a partner will automatically be promoted to a Gold Partner.

A Gold Partner will receive a 15-20% discount on the quoted price. Another distinct benefit for Gold Partners is Sales Support from Diazero Technologies, where our sales team will assist the partner in bolstering sales through remote meetings or direct email communication.

Gold Partner

Should a partner not fulfill any of the aforementioned requirements, the partner may face a downgrade to either the Registered or Silver Partner tier, based on their current status. For MSPs Partners, maintaining the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is critical. If an MSPs Partner fails to adhere to at least 95% of the SLA, they will be automatically downgraded.

D. Platinum Partner

Reaching the apex of our partnership program as a Platinum Partner is both rewarding and demanding. To achieve this tier, a partner must acquire a minimum of 50 customers with Inopli sales revenues exceeding US$500,000.00, and have 6 professionals who have completed the Sales Engineering course, and 4 certified professionals who have completed the Security Architect course.

The benefits, however, are unrivaled. Platinum Partners enjoy a 25-30% discount on quoted prices and receive all the advantages accorded to Gold Partners.

Platinum Partner

Furthermore, Platinum Partners are invited to join the Inopli Development Board. As members, they have the right to contribute customer feedback and suggest specific functionality improvements for development planning, further empowering their sales potential.

Every year on December 31st, an automatic review is conducted to confirm if partners continue to meet the requirements for their current tier. If the requirements are not met, the partners may face a downgrade to either the Registered, Silver Partner or Gold tier, based on their current status. For MSPs Partners, maintaining the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is critical. If an MSPs Partner fails to adhere to at least 99% of the SLA, they will be automatically downgraded.

IV. Partner Portal

How to access etc.

V. Training Program

To consistently elevate our partners' service quality, Diazero Technologies provides two distinct training courses accessible through our Partner Portal – the Sales Engineer Training and the Security Architect Training. Both courses are freely available and prerecorded, allowing partners to commence learning at their convenience.

The Sales Engineer Training focuses on communicating the advantages of Inopli, with an emphasis on sales and commercial applications. Completion of this course is acknowledged once all the lectures have been watched, upon which proof of completion will be provided.

On the other hand, the Security Architect Training is geared towards gaining the technical proficiency needed to understand the subtleties of our solution and to proficiently troubleshoot potential issues. This knowledge is vital in ensuring a seamless and effective customer experience. Completion of this course requires passing an exam conducted by an external Test Center. Successful candidates will receive a certification that is valid for one year.

VI. Policy

A. Deal Registration

The strength of our deal registration program stems from its transparency, simplicity, and the reciprocal benefits it offers both to our partners and to us as the provider. Our program operates under a Deal Registration process designed to maintain a fair yet competitive environment.

According to this policy, selling rights to a particular customer are awarded exclusively to the partner who first registers the deal, pending our assessment which usually takes between 3-5 business days. Should we reject a deal registration, partners can rest assured that we will provide an explanation for our decision.

Diazero Technologies have designed this process to be inclusive and adaptable, as there's no minimum deal size tied to the number of licenses or total deal value. This flexibility allows us to cater to a wide range of customer sizes and needs.

For Deal Registration, the following customer information is required:

- Organization Name

- Address

- Number of assets

- Number of employees

- Contact Person information

- Part Number

- Project Details

We strive to foster trust and prevent conflicts among our partners. To achieve this, our policies restrict partners from registering a deal already registered by another partner. Therefore, once a partner has successfully closed a deal with a particular customer, any subsequent Deal Registration requests targeting the same customer will be denied while the current license is still active.

Please note that 'Deal' in Deal Registration refers to the specific part numbers of a product, not the customer. For instance, if a customer purchased a license for Feature A but not Feature B, other partners could not register a deal for Feature A, though they could for Feature B. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure all applicable part numbers are included in the Deal Registration.

Under our Deal Registration program, each registration holds a 90-day validity period. If a deal isn't closed within this timeframe, the registration will expire. However, we understand the complexities of business dealings, and therefore offer an option to extend this period by an additional 60 days upon request. This ensures our partners have ample opportunity to close their deals.

B. Renewal

Diazero Technologies bears no responsibility for managing license renewals. This duty is entirely up to the partner. When it comes to contract renewal, the partner who made the initial sale is always given precedence.

The partner is obligated to inform the customer of the impending expiration of their license, which should occur at least 90 days before the actual expiration date. This notice should be communicated formally by email.

Should the customer wish to renew their license, it is incumbent upon the partner to relay this information to Diazero Technologies a minimum of 30 days before the license expiry date. Failure to adhere to this timeline may lead to a disruption in the customer's service due to imposed access restrictions.

C. Transition

The customer's decision to transition partners will always overrule the partner's interests, considering that Diazero Technologie's goal is to thoroughly cater to the customer's needs and fulfill their expectations.

If the customer wishes to transition to a different partner, a formal request is required. The customer must email their justification for the change to [email protected]. Following our verification process, if the request is validated, the partner transition will be facilitated at the time of the contract renewal, after the current contractual period concludes.

D. Compliance

At Inopli, Diazero Technologies base our pricing structure on the number of assets and employees a customer possesses, which requires both our customers and partners to provide complete and accurate asset information. This means that when selecting a pricing plan, customers are obligated to account for all their assets and employees, not just a chosen few.

Our partners play a vital role in this process. As our primary point of contact with customers, partners bear the responsibility of providing clear guidance and orientation about our pricing structure during the proposal phase. They should stress the importance of accurate asset declaration and the consequences of non-compliance.

In the case of Managed Service Provider (MSP) partners, who have a closer relationship with customers' internal operations, they have an added responsibility to validate the customer's asset count and ensure it aligns with the pricing plan chosen.

However, we acknowledge that we are largely reliant on the honesty and integrity of our customers and partners in this matter. Therefore, as a form of due diligence, our team conducts sporadic audits by monitoring the traffic data. This process aims to verify the truthfulness of the asset count provided.

Should an audit reveal a discrepancy between the reported and actual asset count, we take the matter seriously. The customer will immediately lose access to our product, and we reserve the right to initiate a legal process against the offending party. This zero-tolerance policy serves to protect our business interests and ensures a fair and transparent ecosystem for all our partners and customers.

E. Support

Partners belonging to the Gold or Platinum Tiers are entitled to request sales support from Diazero Technologies.

In case of any technical issues, clients can lodge a ticket via the help center, which will be addressed in accordance with the established Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Also a Premium Support option can be procured at the time of license purchase. Premium Support includes benefits like 24/7 access to support, shorter response times, dedicated support representatives, priority handling of issues, or direct access to senior support engineers.

F. Termination

Partners reserve the right to withdraw from the Partner Program at their discretion, at any given time, by submitting a written notice to the other party involved. Similarly, Diazero Technologies reserves the same right. The termination will take effect 30 days after the receipt of the notice, unless a later date is specified in the notice.

Upon termination, the partner will immediately lose access to all partner program benefits, resources, and support. The partner must immediately discontinue the use of Inopli’s logos, trademarks, and other branding assets and remove any references to the partnership from their marketing materials and websites.

VII. Note

Diazero Technologies may change this program at any time, being established that its new version will be disclosed to partners, at least 30 (thirty) days in advance, indicating the date of its effectiveness, when it will become valid for new businesses.

The partner may not assign or transfer to third parties, in any capacity, in whole or in part, the rights and obligations arising from or related to this program, unless expressly authorized in writing by Diazero Technologies.